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Actor Browsing

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1279 AGGREGATE_PATIENT_SUMMARIES Aggregate Patient Summaries Provider
Consumes discharge summaries, encounter summaries and the current medication list of a patient and aggregates all those pieces in the final Patient Summary document.
1218 ALERT_AGGREGATOR Alert Aggregator
This actor receives alerts from the Alert Reporter and collects status events related to the dissemination of the alert.
1219 ALERT_RPT Alert Reporter
The Alert Reporter originates the alert (an alarm, either physiological or technical, or an advisory). 
1222 ARR Audit Record Repository
A system unit that receives and collects audit records from multiple systems.
1229 AUDIT_CONSUMER Audit Consumer
Queries for audit record content.
1225 AUDIT_RECORD_FORWARDER Audit Record Forwarder
This actor filters audit records that have been received and forwards selected audit records to an Audit Record Repository.

Added to the ATNA profile in Sept 2015 in CP-ITI-872
1250 AUTH_CLIENT Authorization Client
A client that presents authorization tokens as part of transactions.
1280 AUTH_DECISIONS_MGR Authorization Decisions Manager
Actor that can perform Access Control decision, evaluating requests for authorization. The result of this evaluation is the creation of an Authorization Decision that certifies the decision made.
1281 AUTH_DECISIONS_VERIF Authorization Decisions Verifier
This actor queries for Authorizations Decision related to the Requester Entity before disclosing specific documents. An Authorization Decision is stored and managed by the Authorization Decisions Manager actor and certifies that a decision was made by a trustable actor. 
1251 AUTH_SERVER Authorization Server
A server that provides authorization tokens to requesting clients
1231 CARE_SERVICES_SELECTIVE_CONS Care Services Selective Consumer
The Care Services Selective Consumer queries the Care Services Selective Supplier for information about healthcare practitioners, organizations, locations, and services. 
1232 CARE_SERVICES_SELECTIVE_SUPP Care Services Selective Supplier
The Care Services Selective Supplier processes received queries from Care Services Selective Consumers and returns information about healthcare practitioners, organizations, locations, and services.
1238 CARE_SERVICES_UPDATE_CONS Care Services Update Consumer
The Care Services Update Consumer can query for updates since a previous refresh, to information about healthcare practitioners, organizations, locations, and services from one or more Care Services Update Suppliers. 
1237 CARE_SERVICES_UPDATE_SUPP Care Services Update Supplier
The Care Services Update Supplier can provide updates about healthcare practitioners, organizations, locations, and services information in response to a refresh request from a Care Services Update Consumer. The updates include new or modified information since a previous refresh.
1233 CLIN_DATA_CONSUMER Clinical Data Consumer
A clinical data consumer makes use of clinical patient data.
1234 CLIN_DATA_SOURCE Clinical Data Source
A Clinical Data Sources maintains patient information about vital  signs, problem and allergies, results from diagnostic tests (e.g., Lab, Imaging, or other test results), medications, immunizations or historical or planned visits and procedures.
1243 CONTENT_CONSUMER Content Consumer
The Content Consumer consumes content in a content integration profile
1242 CONTENT_CREATOR Content Creator
The Content Creator creates content in a content integration profile
1294 CPARTNER Connectivity Partner
Partners of connectivity tests
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  • Gazelle 6.10.2
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