List Constraints

Search Criteria

List Constraints

Constraints Number : 10
validation class
package / norm
SubjectID-- insert your comment
SubjectIDIEXUAAssertionSpeciexuaSubject Id is the local login username
RoleSubject Role. The value SHALL be one of the values of Individual Provider Specialty Value Se...
RoleIEXUAAssertionSpeciexuaSubject Role. The value SHALL be one of the values of Individual Provider Specialty Value Se...
PurposeOfUsePurpose of Use (including breakglass). The value SHALL be one of the values of the Purpose of Use Va...
PurposeOfUseIEXUAAssertionSpeciexuaPurpose of Use (including breakglass). The value SHALL be one of the values of the Purpose of Use Va...
OrganizationID-- insert your comment
OrganizationIDIEXUAAssertionSpeciexuaSubject Organization Identifier is mandatory
NationalProviderID-- insert your comment
NationalProviderIDIEXUAAssertionSpeciexuaNational Provider Identifier is mandatory