Sources and package

Demographic Data Server is a Maven project. Sources are available on the INRIA’s Gitlab project at the following URL :

If you would like to checkout the sources on your system you might want to use the following git command, provided git is installed on your system.

git clone

Note that the latest executable can be extracted from our nexus repository as well at : Nexus Repository Manager.

Important, if you download the ear from Nexus, it will have a name such as DemographicDataServer-ear-X.X.X.ear. Then be sure to rename it to DemographicDataServer.ear otherwise the deployment will fail.


This tool has to be deployed using a JBoss 7.2 application server and runs with a PostgreSQL database.

If you do not have yet a JBoss server installed in your environment, proceed as described in General consideration page.

Database creation

Your database must have a user named gazelle.

  1. Download the SQL scripts archive from Nexus Repository Manager (search for
  2. Unzip the archive into a folder DemographicDataServer-sql
  3. Connect to your database :
    psql -U gazelle
  4. Execute the SQL statement to create the database.
    CREATE DATABASE "demographic-data-server" OWNER gazelle ENCODING UTF8 ;
  5. Initialize database by running :
    psql -U gazelle demographic-data-server < DemographicDataServer-sql/init-x.x.x.sql


To deploy Demographic Data Server:

  1. Paste the archive DemographicDataServer.ear in the JBoss deployment directory ${JBOSS7\_HOME}/standalone/deployments/
  2. Display JBoss server logs, start JBoss and wait for ear deployment.
  3. The application can be browsed at http://localhost:8080/DDS. Port could also be different whether you have modified the JBoss configuration.
  4. WARNING : From version 4.2.0, datasources have been extracted from the ear. The template file can be found in /src/main/application/datasource in the source or in the file from the nexus. For more informations about how to manage that externalization, please refer to general considerations for JBoss7.

Datasource name : DemographicDataServerDS

Database name : demographic-data-server

Update from a previous version

  1. Download the new ear and its associated update SQL script from our Nexus Repository Manager (search for DemographicDataServer-X.X.X.ear and Not each version has an update sql script to execute.

  2. Unzip the SQL archive.

  3. Execute SQL statements. Check that the database is correctly updated.

  4. Deploy the new ear

Due to the update mechanism of the database, it is important to do not skip any version of the application in an overall update. You cannot go directly from 2.0.0 to 2.3.0 : you will have to repeat the process from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3 and so on.


Preference name Description Default value
application_admin_email An email address. Administrator of the tool might received messages when errors occur in the application such as compilation failure of schematron -
application_admin_name Application admin name -
application_admin_title Application admin title Application Administrator
application_documentation Link to the user guide
application_mode   full
application_url URL to access the application https://FQDN/DDS
application_works_without_cas Enable or disable the CAS authentication true
DDS_domain   DDS
DDS_OID Unique identifier of the tool instance
hl7v3_sender_timeout   15000
ip_login_admin Regex to authorize ip authentication if CAS authentication is disabled .*
issue_tracker_url Link to the issue reporter (JIRA)
time_zone Used to display date/time in the appropriate time zone Europe/Paris